Light Novel Club | Bunko Bunko
Descrição do Grupo de Discord:
Bunko Bunko Light Novel Club is a Discord Community dedicated to the world of Light Novels. We are the FIRST Light Novel Book Club that chooses a new series from month to month to read and discuss together. You don't have to be involved in the book club to join and enjoy talking about your favorite light novels, anime, or manga! Server also has Mudae channels and monthly Light Novel giveaways! Hop in today and to join a welcoming community of light novel readers and full-on anime fans today! uwu
Regras do Grupo para Discord:
Bunko Bunko Light Novel Club is a Discord Community dedicated to the world of Light Novels. We are the FIRST Light Novel Book Club that chooses a new series from month to month to read and discuss together. You don't have to be involved in the book club to join and enjoy talking about your favorite light novels, anime, or manga! Server also has Mudae channels and monthly Light Novel giveaways! Hop in today and to join a welcoming community of light novel readers and full-on anime fans today! uwu
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