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Descrição do Grupo de :

I believe that "Crypto is the future " . I will provide you the plate form where we all grow together . And tell the World that " YES . WE ARE THE FUTURE Millionaire " . Some features of my server are shown in below 1) Airdrops you can do free airdrops on members or got free airdrops from others 2) TRADING *) Internally you can trade each other by using tip cc bot in my server *) Externally You can trade each other by using tip cc bot or other bot as well as through exchange or through decentralized wallets (meta mask , trust wallet ) in my server 3) SWAP You can swap your crypto on my server with most well organized swaps known for tip cc bot wallet 4) SWAP BONUS you also got some refund in the name of airdrop or swap bonus when you swap any crypto on our channel through swap bots . NOTE = Those who are not do at least 1 time swap in our channel are not eligible for swap special bonus . 5) REFFER VS REFFER you can put any link on my spam link channel except discord server link or any nudity material , disrespect material . 6) PROMOTERS you can also promote you discord server but it coast you some fee . "LAST BUT NOT LEAST " 7) RESPECT We believe in " GIVE RESPECT AND TAKE RESPECT " . So we building a community where every one respect each other . because that's the respect and discipline what make any community strong .

Regras do Grupo para :

I believe that "Crypto is the future " . I will provide you the plate form where we all grow together . And tell the World that " YES . WE ARE THE FUTURE Millionaire " . Some features of my server are shown in below 1) Airdrops you can do free airdrops on members or got free airdrops from others 2) TRADING *) Internally you can trade each other by using tip cc bot in my server *) Externally You can trade each other by using tip cc bot or other bot as well as through exchange or through decentralized wallets (meta mask , trust wallet ) in my server 3) SWAP You can swap your crypto on my server with most well organized swaps known for tip cc bot wallet 4) SWAP BONUS you also got some refund in the name of airdrop or swap bonus when you swap any crypto on our channel through swap bots . NOTE = Those who are not do at least 1 time swap in our channel are not eligible for swap special bonus . 5) REFFER VS REFFER you can put any link on my spam link channel except discord server link or any nudity material , disrespect material . 6) PROMOTERS you can also promote you discord server but it coast you some fee . "LAST BUT NOT LEAST " 7) RESPECT We believe in " GIVE RESPECT AND TAKE RESPECT " . So we building a community where every one respect each other . because that's the respect and discipline what make any community strong .


Você pode participar do grupo PRWNCE AMMAR's WORLD clicando no botão abaixo. Antes de entrar no grupo, lembre-se que não monitoramos os grupos, então não podemos garantir que as regras do grupo serão cumpridas. Sempre tome cuidado antes de entrar em um grupo.