Audio-visual - WhatsApp groups
Audio-visual is tagged in our categories: Series and movies.
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Description WhatsApp groups:
Group developed for Filmmakers, Videomakers and Photographers. Group Finanity: Exchanges of Experiences in the Branches of Photography and Filming, Feedback of Palmaled Works and Partnerships! Group members must become a family, if each one helps each other we can go further.
Rules WhatsApp groups:
1. Without exaggeration: the more people in the group, the more objective the messages should be. Go straight to the point; 2. All at once: Moderate anxiety. Nobody. Deserve. One. Word. A. each. Message. Or it will be your fault to silence the group; 3.Group is not chat: Do not expect answers in real time. I was not upset if someone does not see and answer their messages immediately. Remember: no one is 24 hours online; 4. Avoid audios: It is inconvenient to listen to several straight audios. Voice only in the last case or urgency. 5. Have discretion: The idea of a group is to share information and not embarrass members with questions like 'who did you leave yesterday?';
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