Elite Troop ✌🏻 - WhatsApp groups

Elite Troop ✌🏻 - WhatsApp groups

Elite Troop ✌🏻 is tagged in our categories: Online friendship.

This group is for you who seeks to interact in: SocialNetwork with others who also have interests in issues related to: GroupName. Enter now and be part of this community through the Invitation Link: SocialNetwork on the button below.

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🚨 Hello, elite troop! 🚨 Here are some rules to keep our group fun and respectful: 1. ** Respect above all **: Treat all with respect. Different opinions are welcome, but we do not accept offenses. 2. ** No spam **: Let us avoid repetitive messages, chains or promotional links without relevance to the group. 3. ** Proper content **: Keep the content of the messages healthy. Avoid sharing offensive, violent or inappropriate material. 4. ** Privacy is fundamental **: Do not share personal information of other members without permission. 5. ** Be active! **: Feel free to participate in conversations and share your experiences. The more interact, the more fun it will be! 6. ** Respect the administrators **: They are here to ensure that everyone has fun. If you have any concern, contact one of them. Let's make the elite troop together an amazing place for friendships and fun! ✌🏻😊

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