Mourning and the Bible - WhatsApp groups
Mourning and the Bible is tagged in our categories: Religious groups.
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Description WhatsApp groups:
Welcome to the group (mourning and the Bible) This group aims to give emotional and spiritual support 100% through the Bible to all! Isaiah 41:10 says Don't be afraid, because I'm with you. Don't be anxious, because I am your God. I will strengthen it, yes, I will help you. I will hold you firmly with my right hand of justice. ' Don't give up because God Himself wants to help you!
Rules WhatsApp groups:
Proverbs 19:11 Man's insight makes him not easily will, and is beautiful for his part to let the offense pass Thinking about it remember that we are flawed but we should always do our best to hit our word to help others And Proverbs 12:25 Anxiety overloads the heart of man, but the good word rejoices the heart.
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