VIEWS FOR STATUS! - WhatsApp groups
VIEWS FOR STATUS! is tagged in our categories: Online Dating. General Disclosure. Social media.
This group is for you who are looking to interact on WhatsApp groups with other people who are also interested in topics related to VIEWS FOR STATUS!. Join now and be part of this community using the WhatsApp groups invite link on the button below.
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Description WhatsApp groups:
🚫RULES🚫 ➡️Pornography prohibited❌ ➡️Any type of insults are prohibited❌ ➡️The group will close at 10pm and will only open again at 7am the next day❌ ➡️Any type of lock is prohibited❌ ➡️When joining the group if you present your name and age✅ ❗⚠️IF YOU DO NOT RESPECT ALL THE RULES YOU WILL BE REMOVED⚠️❗
Rules WhatsApp groups:
?RULES? ➡️Pornography prohibited❌ ➡️Any type of insults are prohibited❌ ➡️The group will close at 10pm and will only open again at 7am the next day❌ ➡️Any type of lock is prohibited❌ ➡️When joining the group if you present your name and age✅ ❗⚠️IF YOU DO NOT RESPECT ALL THE RULES YOU WILL BE REMOVED⚠️❗
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