RPG Naruto RPG RECRUITING - WhatsApp groups

RPG Naruto RPG RECRUITING - WhatsApp groups

RPG Naruto RPG RECRUITING is tagged in our categories: All sports.

This group is for you who seeks to interact in: SocialNetwork with others who also have interests in issues related to: GroupName. Enter now and be part of this community through the Invitation Link: SocialNetwork on the button below.

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Description WhatsApp groups:

If you like strategy games, come to the RPG right? Naruto RPG q very closely resembles the anime: fights, missions, tournaments, exams and even wars. Come participate?

Rules WhatsApp groups:

⚔️ Welcome to the RPG Naruto RPG Group! ⚔️ To maintain a healthy and fun environment for everyone, follow some basic rules: 1️⃣ Respect: Treat all members with respect. Healthy discussions are welcome, but offenses and disrespect will not be tolerated. 2️⃣ Theme: Keep conversations within the group theme, which is RPG and Naruto. Let us avoid random matters. 3️⃣ Without spam: Avoid sending spam messages, chains or links not related to RPG or Naruto. 4️⃣ New members: If you are new, present yourself! Tell you a little about you and your interest in RPG. 5️⃣ Events: Stay tuned to the notices about events, campaigns and RPG sessions that we will organize. 6️⃣ Admin: Respect the group administrators. They are here to ensure that the rules are followed and the group works well. 7️⃣ Humor: Laughing is good, but beware of the jokes. If something offends someone, let's avoid it. ⚔️ Let's build together a great space for all RPG and Naruto fans! ⚔️

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