Friends of Zueira 🔥 - WhatsApp groups
Friends of Zueira 🔥 is tagged in our categories: Online friendship.
This group is for you who seeks to interact in: SocialNetwork with others who also have interests in issues related to: GroupName. Enter now and be part of this community through the Invitation Link: SocialNetwork on the button below.
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Description WhatsApp groups:
*Friends of Zueira 🔥* *Can ✅😊* Descent stickers Social networking link Fight, shack, bullshit etc. Gossip Random games Age; 10 to 25 *Can't❌😡* ˢᵉᵐ Any kind of prejudice ˢᵉᵐ Lock ˢᵉᵐ Pornographic content (stickers, words etc.) ˢᵉᵐ Pendófilia ˢᵉᵐ LGBTFobia ˢᵉᵐ kwai, tik tok etc. ˢᵉᵐ Floding the group (stickers) ˢᵉᵐ Fake number ˢᵉᵐ Ask to be adm ˢᵉᵐ Call in PV without authorization (BAN) ˢᵉᵐ Words of offense to others (ban) "ᵃᵒ ᵉⁿᵗʳᵃʳ ˢᵉ ᵃᵖʳᵉˢᵉⁿᵗᵉ" *Thanks for your attention 😊*
Rules WhatsApp groups:
*Friends of Zueira?* *Can ✅?* Descent stickers Social networking link Fight, shack, bullshit etc. Gossip Random games Age; 10 to 25 *Can't you❌?* ˢᵉᵐ Any kind of prejudice ˢᵉᵐ Lock ˢᵉᵐ Pornographic content (stickers, words etc.) ˢᵉᵐ Pendófilia ˢᵉᵐ LGBTFobia ˢᵉᵐ kwai, tik tok etc. ˢᵉᵐ Floding the group (stickers) ˢᵉᵐ Fake number ˢᵉᵐ Ask to be adm ˢᵉᵐ Call in PV without authorization (BAN) ˢᵉᵐ Words of offense to others (ban) "ᵃᵒ ᵉⁿᵗʳᵃʳ ˢᵉ ᵃᵖʳᵉˢᵉⁿᵗᵉ" *Thank you for your attention ?*
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