DHI INVESTMENTS - WhatsApp groups

DHI INVESTMENTS - WhatsApp groups

DHI INVESTMENTS is tagged in our categories: Extra income.

This group is for you who seeks to interact in: SocialNetwork with others who also have interests in issues related to: GroupName. Enter now and be part of this community through the Invitation Link: SocialNetwork on the button below.

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Description WhatsApp groups:

DHI is an investment platform Where you will come with a value x Per day you will have to make 25 orders, where you will approve online purchases The value you earn for orders depends on the value you enter the platform, 300 reais 450 reais To go up level you have to indicate friends, and you will also earn a value for your friends' missions An example, if you come in with 450, which in my opinion is the best, per day you will make $ 35 reais, and per month will give $ 1050 More information call adm in the PV

Rules WhatsApp groups:

DHI is an investment platform Where you will come with a value x Per day you will have to make 25 orders, where you will approve online purchases The value you earn for orders depends on the value you enter the platform, 300 reais 450 reais To go up level you have to indicate friends, and you will also earn a value for your friends' missions An example, if you come in with 450, which in my opinion is the best, per day you will make $ 35 reais, and per month will give $ 1050 More information call adm in the PV

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