Beacon Shadowfalls Records - WhatsApp groups
Beacon Shadowfalls Records is tagged in our categories: All sports.
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Description WhatsApp groups:
❌No bad words ❌In photo of other series *(group focused exclusively on: Shadowhunters, Fate-The Winxs Saga, Teen Wolf, a vampire, the original, legal, supernatural, shadow and bone) * ❌Name fights ❌Name pornography ❌In links *(without authorization, will be removed immediately) * ❌ Prohibit any kind of discrimination. ❌ Prohibited dissemination of other groups. Group link on:
Rules WhatsApp groups:
❌No bad words ❌In photo of other series *(group focused exclusively on: Shadowhunters, Fate-The Winxs Saga, Teen Wolf, a vampire, the original, legal, supernatural, shadow and bone) * ❌Name fights ❌Name pornography ❌In links *(without authorization, will be removed immediately) * ❌ Prohibit any kind of discrimination. ❌ Prohibited dissemination of other groups. Group link on:
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