👽 * Ufology Brazil * 🛸 - WhatsApp groups

👽 * Ufology Brazil * 🛸 - WhatsApp groups

👽 * Ufology Brazil * 🛸 is tagged in our categories: Books and PDFs.

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Description WhatsApp groups:

👽 *Welcome to the Ufology group São Paulo *🛸 ( * Group rules *) ‼ ️ * Forbidden *‼ ️ 🚫 Send photos or videos that escape the context of the group 🚫 Send religious messages, chains or something. 🚫 Pornography 🚫 Politics or related subjects, other than interest on Ufological Study. Fakes Fakes, pix or any type of ad induces scam or error. 🚫 Call in the PV without authorization of the group colleague or without prior notice in the group and considered by us as harassment, if it occurs with someone in the group immediately warn us to remove the offender. 🚫 Any kind of message that breaks the moral values ​​of a person, such as creed, belief, race, color or gender. 🚫 Links that escape the context of the group, if it happens to send ( * exclusion *) 🚫 floodar ✅*Allowed in the group ✅ Announce news about UFOs, UFOs etc. ✅ DISCLOSURE OF THE GROUP LINK. ✅ Talk about Ufology, Astronomy, Quantum Physics and etc. https://chat.whatsapp.com/euyc0gwqvfilauw2uhsup6

Rules WhatsApp groups:

? *Welcome to the Ufology group Sao Paulo*? ( * Group rules *) ‼ ️ * Forbidden *‼ ️ ? Send photos or videos that get away from the context of the group ? Send religious messages, chains or something. ? Pornography ? Politics or related subjects, other than interest on Ufological Study. Fake notes, pix or any type of ad induces scam or error. ? Call in the PV without authorization of the group colleague or without prior notice in the group and considered by us as harassment, if it occurs with someone in the group immediately warn us to remove the offender. ? Any kind of message that breaks the moral values ​​of a person, such as creed, belief, race, color or gender. ? Links that escape the context of the group, if it happens to send ( * exclusion *) ? Flood ✅*Allowed in the group ✅ Announce news about UFOs, UFOs etc. ✅ DISCLOSURE OF THE GROUP LINK. ✅ Talk about Ufology, Astronomy, Quantum Physics and etc. https://chat.whatsapp.com/euyc0gwqvfilauw2uhsup6

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