RPG Naruto RPG RECRUITING - WhatsApp groups

RPG Naruto RPG RECRUITING - WhatsApp groups

RPG Naruto RPG RECRUITING is tagged in our categories: Anime online. All sports.

This group is for you who seeks to interact in: SocialNetwork with others who also have interests in issues related to: GroupName. Enter now and be part of this community through the Invitation Link: SocialNetwork on the button below.

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Description WhatsApp groups:

RPG is good dynamic, fun and easy to learn and can be played right here by WhatsApp. Come participate

Rules WhatsApp groups:

👥 ** Welcome to the RPG Naruto RPG Group ✡️! ** Here are some rules to ensure that everyone has a great experience: 1️⃣ ** Respect is fundamental **: Always be respectful with other members of the group. Unnecessary offenses and discussions will not be tolerated. 2️⃣ ** Group Theme **: Keep conversations related to the universe of Naruto, RPG and anime and sports themes. Avoid random discussions. 3️⃣ ** Avoid spam **: Do not send mass messages, irrelevant links or content that has no relationship with group themes. 4️⃣ ** Use direct messages **: For personal or off-topic conversations, use direct messages and do not overload the group. 5️⃣ ** Active Participation **: We all encourage the group's discussions and events to enrich everyone's experience. 6️⃣ ** Project Disclosure **: If you have a project or event related to RPG or Naruto, share, but in moderation and always in conjunction for the group theme. 7️⃣ ** Administration **: Administrators' decisions are final. If you have suggestions or complaints, contact them directly. Let's enjoy the best of the Naruto and RPG universe together! 🚀

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