Umbanda📿 Spirituality✨ Mediumship 🛐 Charity🫂 Official Group🌿 - WhatsApp groups
Umbanda📿 Spirituality✨ Mediumship 🛐 Charity🫂 Official Group🌿 is tagged in our categories: Religious groups.
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Description WhatsApp groups:
Our group is about spirituality, everyone is welcome. From Monday to Saturday our group is opened, at night we closed to have control. The group was creating to help, spirituality is charity, it is love
Rules WhatsApp groups:
*Prohibited: ⬇* ? Link of other groups. ? Pornography. ? Religious intolerance to any religion. ? Policy. ? Prohibited invade PV without authorization. ? Forbidden to ask for financial help. ? Forbidden fights _ We have to keep peace_ thousand? ️ ⚠️ *Only Fabiola can disclose about the card game, this is the only paid disclosure of the group. Is optional.* ⚠ *Charity Group. * ⚠️ *Closed group at night. * ⚠️ *We do not make loving mooring. * Inactive *Inactive will be removed. * ⚠️ *Breaking rules, removed without notice. * ⚠ *Closed group on Sunday. * ⚠ *Avoid having your posts removed, follow the rules of the group. * ⚠ *We cannot escape the focus of the group. All posts have to be related to the subject of the group.* *Group created to help people.* _The group's intention is to rid people of blows and show that true spirituality still does charity._?
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