Axé🙇🏼‍♂️🙏🏻 Group - WhatsApp groups

Axé🙇🏼‍♂️🙏🏻 Group - WhatsApp groups

Axé🙇🏼‍♂️🙏🏻 Group is tagged in our categories: Religious groups.

This group is for you who seeks to interact in: SocialNetwork with others who also have interests in issues related to: GroupName. Enter now and be part of this community through the Invitation Link: SocialNetwork on the button below.

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Description WhatsApp groups:

Axé Group, it is a group where you will learn a little more about Umbanda, White Table, Holy Jurema, Candomblé de Angola, Keto Candomblé, Nagô, Fast, Kimbanda etc ... It's not a group of spiritual debates, it's a group Learning Group and Exchanges of Spiritual Knowledge ... I give spiritual consultations at a distance if the person lives far away and I also do all kinds of spiritual work at a distance if the person lives far ... Come be part of our group, between and stay A little in the group ... No need to immediately leave the group if nobody is interacting ... We are probably busy, soon someone will interact in the group, I do work of opening paths, work for love and dismantling spells in general. .. Everyone is very welcome and Queen Oxum bless everyone 🙏

Rules WhatsApp groups:

*Attention Read the group rules not to be removed* *_ (As soon as you enter the group you present yourself by photo and say your name and what is your religion for all of us to know you) _* ?? ❌ It is forbidden to put other links, ads, tic toc, kwai etc. ?? ❌ *Prohibited, currents of all kinds, forbidden to talk about politics, * ?? ❌ Prohibited strong scenes such as accidents or deaths in general. ?? ❌ *Forbidden porn videos in general * ?? ❌ *Forbidden locks and viruses * ?? Prohibited Evangelicals ?? ❌ *Forbidden to invade women's private, if you need to talk to any of them ask for permission in the group ... If they allow you to go there in private beauty, if they do not allow you to be removed from the group * ?? *_It is allowed to make friends in the group, sing points or post points in MP3, send videos with subjects of our religion, everyone can send images, photos of the yard that frequents if you prefer, animated gifs etc ... everything that belongs to our religion All have permission_* ?? Soon we will have poll with questions or curiosities with subjects that talk about our religion, for everyone in the group to talk a little about what you know or want to know together to learn from each other ?? ❌ *_Who does not respect the rules will be removed from group_ * ?? On weekends the group theme is free for everyone to talk about everything a little while maintaining respect with everyone ?? _*Anything just come to call me in my private*_ Be all welcome, and that * (Queen Oxum and King Ogum) * bless you all bringing a lot of axé ??

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