🇧🇷 Oxossi🌿 - WhatsApp groups

🇧🇷 Oxossi🌿 - WhatsApp groups

🇧🇷 Oxossi🌿 is tagged in our categories: Religious groups.

This group is for you who seeks to interact in: SocialNetwork with others who also have interests in issues related to: GroupName. Enter now and be part of this community through the Invitation Link: SocialNetwork on the button below.

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Description WhatsApp groups:

*🆂︎🅴︎🅹︎🅰︎🅼︎ 🆃︎🅾︎🅳︎🅾︎🆂︎ 🅱︎🅴︎🅼︎** ✅ Always inductify ❌Do not post porn and politics links, etc ... ✅Thersunts related to spirituality without offending brothers ❌ Do not conflict in the group ✅ Respect everyone's opinions always respecting brothers in the group ✅ GROUP OBJECTIVE Learn to teach and make friends ❌ Don't stay for long without interacting ✅pv only of adms released to resolve group issues ❌Do not invade participants' PV 🏹Axé Brothers, Umbanda Paz Light and Charity

Rules WhatsApp groups:

The rule is always the same a respect group does not accept any kind of adult content or confusion, enter the Filho de Oxossi group and we will indoctrinate Zuelar to make friends after all we are an axé brotherhood. My axé to all my Saravá I am Brother Carlos de Oxóssi let's brothers between and let's take peace around the world! 091993256089 axé my brothers

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