Sgbi Putaria Way π - Telegram channels
Sgbi Putaria Way π is tagged in our categories: LGBT+.
This group is for you who seeks to interact in: SocialNetwork with others who also have interests in issues related to: GroupName. Enter now and be part of this community through the Invitation Link: SocialNetwork on the button below.
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Description Telegram channels:
π’β οΈ SAFE GROUP! π« Disclosure groups, minors, bots, illegal content, explicit sale, pedophilia, CP or zoophilia. Respect the rules! β Repeats the ParΓ‘ Group rule not being banned and CP is also prohibited within the group.
Rules Telegram channels:
? 1οΈβ£ Do not disclose groups. β 2οΈβ£ Prohibited minors.β 3οΈβ£ without bots. β 4οΈβ£ Forbidden illegal content. β 5β£ Explicit sale forbidden. β 6οΈβ£ without smaller content. β 7οΈβ£ Forbidden pedophilia, CP or zoophilia. β β Keep the group safe!
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