FOUAD iOS/MB PT - BR - Telegram channels
FOUAD iOS/MB PT - BR is tagged in our categories: Online friendship.
This group is for you who seeks to interact in: SocialNetwork with others who also have interests in issues related to: GroupName. Enter now and be part of this community through the Invitation Link: SocialNetwork on the button below.
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Description Telegram channels:
WhatsApp iOS style for android Group rules • It is prohibited to deal with divergent issues of the central theme of this group; • It is forbidden to post “jokes” and “jokes” of racist, lgbtfobic, misogynistic and pornographic content (videos, photos, images, etc); • Any kind of personal manifestation and political-party, religious or soccer teams is prohibited; • Paths are also prohibited in the group; • It is forbidden to publicize fake news in the group, so analyze the information you share and make sure it is a reliable and reliable source; • Report to the group administrator any violation of the rules established for the members; • Respect group members; • The participant who violates the rules of this group is subject to warnings and even expulsion, in more serious cases. - Forbidden to send links, APKs, files; - Prohibited invade PV (without authorization);
Rules Telegram channels:
Forbidden adult content Forbidden aggressive content Forbidden to use profanity Forbidden Send Links Prohibited invade PV
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