Brazilian Society of Intellectual Cavalharism - DISCORD servers
Brazilian Society of Intellectual Cavalharism is tagged in our categories: Online friendship.
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Description DISCORD servers:
Hello, welcome to SBCI, The Brazilian Society of Intellectual Cavalharism. SBCI is a server of exchange and sharing of knowledge of the most varied subjects, from philosophy to politics, studies and religion. We are one of the rare servers with open or team debate events, organized by administrators on topics placed for members' voting. Our intention is to gather people from various currents of thought, to occasionally there are conversations, exchange of experiences and experiences, as well as sharing material for the continuous progress of members, making SBCI a pleasant environment for everyone. - Advantages of being part of SBCI: ⚡ • Staff activates almost 24 hours! 🧠 • We stimulate your progress in various areas; ✔️ - Exclusive Study Channels and Clubs; ✔️ - Voice channels and music bots; ✔️ - Emotional Support Center; ✔️ - Debate events; ✔️ - Lots of interaction. Welcome, choose your tea and get some cookies!
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