Divine science - WhatsApp groups
Divine science is tagged in our categories: Books and PDFs.
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Description WhatsApp groups:
The group "Divine Science" is a virtual space dedicated to sharing and discussion of knowledge and discoveries related to the scientific and spiritual aspects of life. Here, members have the opportunity to explore and elucidate the mysteries of human existence, integrating scientific knowledge with a spiritual and holistic vision of the world. In this group, the search for understanding the natural laws that govern the universe is a constant, as well as the reflection on the connection between science and spirituality. Members can address any scientific topic, from quantum physics, biology and psychology, to spirituality, meditation and connection with the divine. All are encouraged to share articles, books, videos, personal experiences and different perspectives, thus enriching debate and collective learning. We believe that science and spirituality are not opposite, but complementary fields, helping us to understand the complexity of existence and find a greater purpose on our journey. In this group, we seek to cultivate a welcoming and respectful environment, where all members are encouraged to express themselves freely, expressing their opinions and knowledge with courtesy and empathy. If you are a curious person, in love with science and exploring the deepest aspects of life, are invited to be part of the group "Divine Science". Come contribute to your ideas, expand your knowledge and know other brilliant minds that also seek to integrate science and spirituality. Join us on this journey of discovery and inspiration!
Rules WhatsApp groups:
Group rules "Divine Science": 1. Mutual respect: All members must treat each other with respect and courtesy. Divergent opinions are welcome as long as they are expressed respectfully and constructive. 2. Relevant topics: The group is dedicated to the discussion of topics related to science and spirituality. Therefore, members must keep conversations centered on these themes. Avoid sharing irrelevant or not related to the purpose of the group. 3. Reliable sources: When sharing scientific information and articles, it is important to use reliable and verified sources. Avoid spreading false information, conspiracy theories or sensational news. We value the knowledge based and scientifically proven. 4. Proper sharing: When sharing content, make sure it is relevant to the group. Avoid sending repetitive messages, chains, spam or any unquited content. The focus of the group is the exchange of knowledge and learning, so we value the quality of shared information. 5. Long Posts: To make it easier to read and participation, try to avoid overly long posts. If necessary, divide your content into parts or use tools such as attachments or links. 6. Respect for Privacy: Do not share personal or confidential information from other members without proper authorization. Respect the privacy of each participant, maintaining the confidentiality of private conversations. 7. Moderation and Administration: Administrators have the role of maintaining the order and proper functioning of the group. Their guidelines must be followed by the members. If there is a problem or conflict, communicate an administrator so that it can be properly resolved. Remember that the goal of the group "Divine Science" is to promote a learning environment, knowledge exchange and constructive reflections. By joining these rules, we will be creating a welcoming and enriching space for all members. Enjoy and enjoy these enriching experiences!
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