Tyflex - Telegram channels

Tyflex - Telegram channels

Tyflex is tagged in our categories: Extra income.

This group is for you who seeks to interact in: SocialNetwork with others who also have interests in issues related to: GroupName. Enter now and be part of this community through the Invitation Link: SocialNetwork on the button below.

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Description Telegram channels:

"We present the revolutionary 'ghost salesman' - the definitive solution to boost sales and expand the horizons of your business. Imagine having a tireless team of salespeople working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, without rest. Personification of efficiency and professionalism, always ready to captivate your customers, offer detailed information about products and close sales convincingly. , providing a personalized experience that generates real results. Let the ghost seller optimize his sales operations, releasing his team to focus on building relationships and boosting strategic growth. your business prosper as never before. "

Rules Telegram channels:

Hate Speech: No form of hate speech, racism, sexism, homophobia or intolerance will be tolerated. Inappropriate content: It is strictly forbidden to share images, videos or messages of sexual, violent or offensive. , spam or disclosure of products/services without prior approval. Personal Data: Unauthorized disclosure of personal information of members is strictly prohibited. Bullying and Harassment: Any form of intimidation, harassment or bullying will not be tolerated. Avoid sharing false information , misleading or not verified.Politics and Religion: Keep conversations about politics and religion outside the group to avoid heated debates. Offensive linguction: The use of vulgar, offensive or inadequate language is strictly forbidden. Cause discord will not be allowed.Spam and currents: Avoid sending repetitive messages, chains or any form of spam that may disturb the limbs.

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