Marketing- Portuguese - Persuasion !! - WhatsApp groups

Marketing- Portuguese - Persuasion !! - WhatsApp groups

Marketing- Portuguese - Persuasion !! is tagged in our categories: Training and jobs.

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Description WhatsApp groups:

-Als days 16/09 to 18/09 -Pessoal are welcome to the group of students of Portuguese digital marketing and persuasion !! My name is vinious work as an affiliate on the internet since I was 16 years old I will teach you to have a more profitable business model and sales techniques you can use to convert customers to your business !! Obg to all

Rules WhatsApp groups:

❌ Forbidden to invade private ❌ Prohibited spam ❌ PROPERTY DISCLOSING THINGS NOT RELATED TO CONTENT ❌ Forbidden fights and offensive words ✔️Group focused on learning to make money on the internet. Remove your questions only with group adm.

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