⚜️Community Akashia⚜️ - WhatsApp groups

⚜️Community Akashia⚜️ - WhatsApp groups

⚜️Community Akashia⚜️ is tagged in our categories: Online friendship.

This group is for you who seeks to interact in: SocialNetwork with others who also have interests in issues related to: GroupName. Enter now and be part of this community through the Invitation Link: SocialNetwork on the button below.

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Description WhatsApp groups:

If you are an otaku from the heart, you need to know the community of Otaku groups, a network of groups dedicated to fans of anime, manga, cosplay and Japanese culture. In the otaku group community, you can find groups according to their interests, genres and regions, interact with other otakus, participate in polls, quizses, debates and more. The otaku group community is the perfect place for you to connect with people who share your passion for Japanese pop culture. Do not be left out and join the community of Otaku groups, the largest and best community for the otakus in Brazil.

Rules WhatsApp groups:

Welcome to the Otaku group! Here you must respect all members, do not send spam, do not disclose other groups, do not post offensive or illegal content and follow WhatsApp rules. Have fun!

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