Extra Moments Paris income - WhatsApp groups

Extra Moments Paris income - WhatsApp groups

Extra Moments Paris income is tagged in our categories: Extra income.

This group is for you who seeks to interact in: SocialNetwork with others who also have interests in issues related to: GroupName. Enter now and be part of this community through the Invitation Link: SocialNetwork on the button below.

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Description WhatsApp groups:

Buy 15 ml perfume at factory price Kit with 10 perfumes for R $ 180 30% essence 12hs of fixation Quality *Parfun * We send to all Brazil minimum purchase of 10 units for resale Imported fragrances

Rules WhatsApp groups:

Group rules: 1. Avoid messages that are not about the subject of the group. 2. Overcoming any member, that is, respect the other members. 3. Avoid talking about private matters. 4. If you need to send audios, be brief. 5. Avoid controversy or delicate affairs. 6. Forbidden sending messages with improper content. 7. Do not change the image, name or description of the group. 8. If you want to add someone to the group, talk to the administrator. 9. Be careful with sharing external links. 10. Care with personal and/or business information, any foreign approach, communicate to ADM

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