Magazine Rvtemtudo - WhatsApp groups

Magazine Rvtemtudo - WhatsApp groups

Magazine Rvtemtudo is tagged in our categories: General Disclosure.

This group is for you who are looking to interact on WhatsApp groups with other people who are also interested in topics related to Magazine Rvtemtudo. Join now and be part of this community using the WhatsApp groups invite link on the button below.

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Description WhatsApp groups:

Hello, my name is Roberta, I work for Magazine Luiza, as a Magalu Partner. We are a Magazine Luiza sales group, where the entire buying and selling process is carried out by Magazine Luiza. we have everything you need. So, welcome everyone to our group!!!

Rules WhatsApp groups:

Respect everyone Don't swear Don't send nudes Do not practice scams Don't lie Do not carry out false advertising Pornography prohibited Other matters other than purchasing and sales are prohibited.

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