Online courses for sale - WhatsApp groups
Online courses for sale is tagged in our categories: General disclosure.
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Description WhatsApp groups:
Good morning, this group was created at 4am and 59 min (AM) on 21/01/2024, in order to provide online courses for people who want to purchase them cheaply and safely. Availability depends on accessible courses through the EDUZZ platform. EDUZZ is a Brazilian platform for selling digital products (or infoproducts) and online services that offers a variety of digital marketing features to help you promote your products or services and increase sales - all done over the internet. It works as follows: We, affiliates, provide you with potential customers, links with discounts according to your needs and according to the courses available on the platform (website) or app. That way you tell me which area and which course you want, and so I make a link available for you to access it with exclusive discounts.
Rules WhatsApp groups:
Forbidden pornography and invade the PV. Enter only if you are interested in a course or infoproduct. Please. In addition, I will be available for any any questions or questions about the products and infoproducts in which they are interested. Grateful!
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