Zig-Zag🍺Maria - WhatsApp groups

Zig-Zag🍺Maria - WhatsApp groups

Zig-Zag🍺Maria is tagged in our categories: Online friendship.

This group is for you who seeks to interact in: SocialNetwork with others who also have interests in issues related to: GroupName. Enter now and be part of this community through the Invitation Link: SocialNetwork on the button below.

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Description WhatsApp groups:

👉 *_Group of friends_ * • Place to combine rollers, parties, tasting meetings and * _ 'Bora take one!' _* 🍺😉 👍🏼 * Whatsapp group is not a tribe or company where there is boss, chief, owner or pagé. * This group is all of us. Adm (s) are only mere participants too. Post a little of everything, at ease and from various themes. It is interesting posts with information about really cool places in Marília-SP for us to go and enjoy. 🚫 *_Why, to avoid conflicts or discussions, we ask you not to post: `` `pornography``, politics, religion, soccer, etc .._ *👉 *_ Let's avoid unnecessary comments and irrelevant answers in the posts of others .. . We are here to have fun, always with friendship and respect_* Link to enter: https://chat.whatsapp.com/ehuicvjs3wtjzwqot4awyr

Rules WhatsApp groups:

? *_Group of friends_* • Place to combine rollers, parties, tasting meetings and * _ 'Bora take one!' _* ?? ?? * Whatsapp group is not a tribe or company where there is boss, chief, owner or pagé.* This group is all of us. Adm (s) are only mere participants too. Post a little of everything, at ease and from various themes. It is interesting posts with information about really cool places in Marília-SP for us to go and enjoy. ? * _Why, to avoid conflicts or discussions, we ask you not to post: `` `pornography``, politics, religion, soccer, etc .._*? * _ Let's avoid unnecessary comments and irrelevant answers in the posts of others ... Are we here to have fun, always with friendship and respect_*? Thanks? Link to enter: https://chat.whatsapp.com/ehuicvjs3wtjzwqot4awyr

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