🪽̸᳝࣪ᵎ RPG Good Omens • 𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗵𝗮𝘀 ׅ ᮫ ᮫ - WhatsApp groups

🪽̸᳝࣪ᵎ RPG Good Omens • 𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗵𝗮𝘀 ׅ ᮫ ᮫ - WhatsApp groups

🪽̸᳝࣪ᵎ RPG Good Omens • 𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗵𝗮𝘀 ׅ ᮫ ᮫ is tagged in our categories: All sports.

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Description WhatsApp groups:

RPG Crossover from Good Omens and Supernatural series. Textual with over 20 lines dissertation, with 1 character created by players. Starting from the 4 ° T - 1 ° EP of Supernatural and 5 ° T of Good Omens.

Rules WhatsApp groups:

᮫? ̸᳝࣪ᵎ characters with ᮫Poderes, limitations, ᮫Frade, traditions ᮫No general being by way of ᮫ Life or belief, will have to ᮫ Do Jus to the Plot of the series, ᮫Do not invent fashion! ᮫? ̸᳝࣪ᵎ Any incivized act, ᮫ Immediate ban and ᮫Permanente. ᮫? ᮫To turn with everyone.

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