~ Bia dos Slots π°π - WhatsApp groups
~ Bia dos Slots π°π is tagged in our categories: Online friendship.
This group is for you who seeks to interact in: SocialNetwork with others who also have interests in issues related to: GroupName. Enter now and be part of this community through the Invitation Link: SocialNetwork on the button below.
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Description WhatsApp groups:
Welcome to my drawing initiative and fun! Here, entertainment and joy are guaranteed. I am in love with making sweepstakes and helping through the donation of stools with amazing games. It is a special way of sharing happy moments and making a difference in people's lives. In my sweepstakes, everyone has a chance to participate and compete for surprising awards. It is a unique opportunity to experience the emotion of gaining something special as we support important causes. After all, there is nothing more rewarding than spreading smiles and fun around. The stools with games that are full of exciting activities for all ages. From puzzles to interactive games, there is something for everyone to enjoy and have fun together. It is a wonderful way to promote laughter and interaction between friends and family. Feel free to participate in my sweepstakes and find out how luck can smile at you. Each draw is an opportunity to share happy moments and make a difference in someone's life. Join me on this exciting journey and let's spread joy together! ππ°π
Rules WhatsApp groups:
? Group rule? ? *Forbidden to call any adm in the private to ask for money* *Will be banned immediately* ? *Any problem calls our support* ? *Forbidden to disclose platform gains that we do not indicate in the group when posting gains in the group, put the name of the platform inform when winning through the Sign Group* ? *Forbidden call colleague in PV to ask or send link* ? *Forbidden to post links* ? *Forbidden to disclose other groups* ? *Forbidden to disclose platforms that are not indicated in the group* ? *Forbidden to ask for forbidden money to ask or offer bank* ? *Forbidden to offend colleagues and adms* ? *Forbidden to sell robot/ mentoring or sell any other type of product who does not respect the established rules will be penalized. Will be removed without notice respect the rules* *Slots team thanks
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