Atura or freak 🖕🏻 - WhatsApp groups

Atura or freak 🖕🏻 - WhatsApp groups

Atura or freak 🖕🏻 is tagged in our categories: Online friendship. Humor and Fun.

This group is for you who seeks to interact in: SocialNetwork with others who also have interests in issues related to: GroupName. Enter now and be part of this community through the Invitation Link: SocialNetwork on the button below.

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Description WhatsApp groups:

ENTERED READ THE RULES TO NOT TAKE BAN! ❌ᑭᖇ hiᗷiᗪo 🔒NUDS, 🔒Pornography, 🔒Travas, mutilation photos 🔒 Group Links, 🔒Racism, prejudice 🔒Names Fakes, invade PV 🔒 Inadequate Figurinhas 🔒 Pedophilia 🚓 ✅ᑭ eᖇᗰitiᗪo 🔓Figurinhas, 🔓Videos, 🔓Photos, 🔓Uudio, 🔓MSG 🔓Mames, 🔓Música 🔓 Random Papo 🔓BRincadeira 🔓apk, wallpaper, games 🔓Pedi likes, followers and comment on social networks, 🔓 I asked to save CNTT, Zeira, QQ Doubt or complaint look for an adm!

Rules WhatsApp groups:

🔔 ** Group rules atura or freak ** 🔔 1. ** I respect always! ** - Here we joke, but never offend. Let's keep the good mood without cursing or disrespect. 2. ** Focus on fun! ** - The goal is to laugh and share good stories! Let us avoid very heavy or controversial themes. 3. ** No spam! ** - Keep the content relevant. Do not send repeated messages or chains. 4. ** No fake news! ** - Before sharing something, check the truth. Let's keep the information right together here. 5. ** Be creative! ** - Use memes, funny videos and fun messages! We want to see your creativity shine. 6. ** Watch out for gifs! ** - Yes, we love gifs, but let's avoid excesses so as not to drive the group crazy! 7. ** Message schedules ** - Respect the schedules for messages, avoid spam at dawn! 8. ** Let's meet! ** - Change an idea about you from time to time. Here we are all friends! 9. ** Relax and enjoy! ** - The most important thing is to have fun! Don't take everything so seriously and whenever you need it, talk to the guys! 💬 ** Have fun, and let's go together on this hilarious journey! **

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