Previews ☁️ - WhatsApp groups
Previews ☁️ is tagged in our categories: Hentais +18. LGBT+. Adult Content +18.
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Description WhatsApp groups:
** Welcome to previews ☁️! ** HERE, our online community is dedicated to sharing and discussing content targeted for over 18, including hentals and adult-themed anime. Our space is also inclusive and receives members of the LGBT+community, promoting a respectful and welcoming environment. Remember that we are here to create connections and exchange experiences, always maintaining the seriousness that our audience deserves. _Our group is a safe and respectable place for all participants._ It is essential to respect the limits and opinions of others, avoiding any form of discrimination or harassment. Our members come from Brazil and communicate in Portuguese, so the importance of maintaining clear and respectful interactions. Join us and be part of this vibrant and diverse community! 🎉
Rules WhatsApp groups:
#Regras from the preview community ☁️# 1. ** Minimum age **: All members must be at least 18 years old to participate. It is mandatory to prove the age if necessary. 2. ** Respect **: mutual respect is critical. Offensive or discriminatory comments will not be tolerated. 🚫 3. ** Appropriate content **: Share only content that is in accordance with the permitted categories: Hental +18, LGBT +and Adult Content +18. Any material outside these categories will be removed. 4. ** Prohibition of spam **: spam and unauthorized promotions are prohibited. Keep conversations relevant and interesting. 🛑 5. ** Privacy **: Do not share personal information of the members without consent. Protect everyone's privacy. 6. ** serious behavior **: Keep serious behavior in all interactions and discussions, avoiding inappropriate games on the topics addressed. _Oo enter the previews ☁️, you agree to follow these rules and contribute to a positive and respectful environment!
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