Rangel Nerd! - Youtube channels

Rangel Nerd! - Youtube channels

Rangel Nerd! is tagged in our categories: Anime online. General disclosure. Humor and Fun. Series and movies. Hentais +18.

This group is for you who seeks to interact in: SocialNetwork with others who also have interests in issues related to: GroupName. Enter now and be part of this community through the Invitation Link: SocialNetwork on the button below.

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Description Youtube channels:

** Welcome to Rangel Nerd! ** πŸŽ‰ Here, you will find an amazing space to discuss and share everything you love about the world of anime, series, and more! _Noy YouTube Channel is the perfect place to connect with other members of the community, exchange ideas and discover new content that will make your nerd journey even more fun! _ 🌟 No matter if you are a fan of anime, series or if you just want Give good laugh, you are in the right place! 😊 ** Our channel stands out in various categories, ** from information exchange about your favorite anime to discussions about movies and series. Also, we have space for humor and that pytte of fun that we all need! And for the older ones, we also provide +18 anime groups for a more adult conversation. _Prear to dive into a world of entertainment and friendship! _ πŸ”₯

Rules Youtube channels:

# Rangel Nerd community rules!# πŸ“œ 1. ** Respect above all! ** πŸ™ - Always treat the other members with respect. Discrimination, harassment or any form of hostility will not be tolerated. 2. ** Be relevant! ** πŸ” - Keep posts within the proposed topics: anime, series, humor, and disclosures. Avoid diversion of subjects! 3. ** Proper content! ** 🚫 - Do not share offensive or inappropriate content. For +18 materials, use groups for this content. 4. ** Interact, have fun! ** 🎈-Feel free to comment, share and participate! The goal is to create a fun and welcoming environment for everyone. 5. ** Disclosure with consent! ** πŸ“£ - To promote your content or other communities, seek permission before posting. This helps keep the focus on what really matters! * Let's build an amazing community together!* πŸ’–

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