BLOX FC - Youtube channels

BLOX FC - Youtube channels

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Description Youtube channels:

* Blox FC * is a channel dedicated to bringing the best of anything that happens in the sports world. With content produced in Portuguese, our intention is to keep you updated on the main news, analysis and sporting events that move Brazil and the world. *Whether you are a fan of soccer, basketball, volleyball or any other mode*, here you will find relevant and interesting information, directly from your screen. Our audience is formed by sports lovers, who want not only to follow, but also to interact and share their opinions. *Through videos that inform and entertain*, we seek to create a space where the passion for sport can be celebrated and discussed. Join us and be part of this community, where sport energy is felt in each content produced!

Rules Youtube channels:

#Regras for Interaction on Blox FC# 1. _Respect is fundamental_: Keep a respectful tone in interactions. Offensive or disrespectful comments will not be tolerated. 2. *Focus on content *: discussions must always be related to the theme of the videos. Avoid diverting to personal matters or that they are not linked to the sport. 3. ~ Without spam ~: Unauthorized advertising and links are not allowed. Focus on contributing to the conversation. 4. `Privacy First ': Do not share your personal information or others. Keep community security. 5. *Participate constructively *: feel free to share your opinion, but always seeking to add value to discussions.

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