King of Tigrinho - WhatsApp groups

King of Tigrinho - WhatsApp groups

King of Tigrinho is tagged in our categories: Online friendship. Personalized figurines. Anime online. General disclosure. Social media.

This group is for you who seeks to interact in: SocialNetwork with others who also have interests in issues related to: GroupName. Enter now and be part of this community through the Invitation Link: SocialNetwork on the button below.

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Description WhatsApp groups:

* Welcome to the King of Tigrinho Group!* 🐯 Here, we cultivate an environment where everyone can connect, make new friends and share common interests. _If you are looking for new interactions, anime conversations or even the exchange of personalized stickers_, this is the right place for you. Our members are from Brazil πŸ‡§πŸ‡· and share the same passion: create ties and exchange experiences on the internet. * Take advantage of the various categories available!* 🌐 We have spaces to discuss the most diverse topics, from* online friendship* to* general disclosure* of promotions and opportunities. Here you will find a welcoming group where you will be able to express your opinions and interact with people who have the same interests as you. Always remember to respect the rules and contribute to a positive and healthy environment within the community! πŸŽ‰

Rules WhatsApp groups:

#Regras of the King of Tigrinho Group# πŸ“œ 1. * Respect: * All members must treat each other with respect. _Phanses and disrespect will not be tolerated_. 2. * Proper content: * Avoid sharing offensive content, inappropriate or not related to the group categories. 3. * Disclosure: * The dissemination of promotions and opportunities is allowed, * but * should be done in moderation and relevance to the group. 4. * Interaction: * We encourage active participation! Contribute to conversations and share your opinions about anime, stickers and other topics covered. 5. ~ spam and advertisements ~: repetitive messages or advertisements without relevance to the group are prohibited. πŸ”’ *Upon entering, you agree to follow these rules. Let's guarantee a positive and fun space for everyone!*

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