hospice - WhatsApp groups
hospice is tagged in our categories: Online friendship. Humor and Fun.
This group is for you who seeks to interact in: SocialNetwork with others who also have interests in issues related to: GroupName. Enter now and be part of this community through the Invitation Link: SocialNetwork on the button below.
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Description WhatsApp groups:
Make friends and talk
Rules WhatsApp groups:
*Hi! Welcome to the group, read the rules below.* *Prohibited*🚫 - Homophobic. - Racism. - bad words. - Offensive words. - Male chauvinism. - Floder. - Be inactive. - Pornography (stickers related to this). - Gore (stickers related to this). - Disrespect members and adm's (if you do this will take ban). - invade PV of the members and ADM (only with the authorization). - Disclosure links groups among others ... - Photos/Videos (only in unique vizalization) - Connection in the group. *Permitted*✅ - Talk about games - Affair - Photos/Videos (only in unique vizalization) *Well, that's all. Read the rules? Great now be happy, if you break one of the rules will take ban! Be cool with everyone and have fun if any problems or questions please contact the ADM's.* *Presentation will not be mandatory, just to burn. MORE REMEMBER, IN SINGLE VIZUALIZATION.* * *-Adm's** - Ana - Hg7 - S7
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