Looking for shitposting & figurinhas - WhatsApp groups, Telegram channels and disorder servers
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ShitPosting & Sticks
Come have fun friendship is what you are looking for, be happy and busy inside t...
ShitPosting & Sticks
Group intended for zueiras and funny videos shitposting root can zuera videos ca...
ShitPosting & Sticks
Group intended for zuera and funny videos shitposting root any type of video oth...
ShitPosting & Sticks
Group focused on funny videos and shitposting do not send porn videos, gore, zoo...
Shitposting & stickers🫃
Group made for new friendships and for everyone to have fun, please enter if you...
Shitposting & stickers🫃
Shitposting group, stickers and make friends! Forbidden CP/Child Pornography Pr...