Wild Devs - Grupos de

Wild Devs

O grupo Wild Devs está na categoria . Você pode encontrar grupos semelhantes na mesma categoria. Ainda sobre o grupo, o link já recebeu mais de 791 membros desde que foi publicado em nosso aplicativo. Pessoas do Brasil/Capitais estão pesquisando por Wild Devs e esse grupo tem pessoas de vários DDDs diferentes. Então se você está procurando por Wild Devs, você pode entrar no grupo e conhecer pessoas de vários lugares do Brasil.

Descrição do Grupo de :

Welcome to the Wild Devs Community We are glad that you found your way to us. Here you will find a bunch of wild developers in any field with whom you can talk about programming, technologies, techniques, graphic design (UX/UI) or philosophies. Regardless of how experienced you are, you are welcome here. Each of us has our strengths and weaknesses. We help and inspire each other, work on projects - big and small, get to know each other and grow together. The Wild Devs community is not limited to Discord. We are also on GitHub, where we manage our projects, share bugs, and contribute ideas, solutions and enhancements. Everyone can participate, learn or help other developers. In the roles channel you can select some roles, so that others know which topics interest you. This Discord server is for English and German speaking members. Please do not use other languages, because we might not understand them. We wish you a pleasant stay and a lot of fun with the creative development. Kind regards Your Wild Devs Team https://www.wild-devs.net

Regras do Grupo para :

Welcome to the Wild Devs Community We are glad that you found your way to us. Here you will find a bunch of wild developers in any field with whom you can talk about programming, technologies, techniques, graphic design (UX/UI) or philosophies. Regardless of how experienced you are, you are welcome here. Each of us has our strengths and weaknesses. We help and inspire each other, work on projects - big and small, get to know each other and grow together. The Wild Devs community is not limited to Discord. We are also on GitHub, where we manage our projects, share bugs, and contribute ideas, solutions and enhancements. Everyone can participate, learn or help other developers. In the roles channel you can select some roles, so that others know which topics interest you. This Discord server is for English and German speaking members. Please do not use other languages, because we might not understand them. We wish you a pleasant stay and a lot of fun with the creative development. Kind regards Your Wild Devs Team https://www.wild-devs.net

Entrar Wild Devs -

Você pode participar do grupo Wild Devs clicando no botão abaixo. Antes de entrar no grupo, lembre-se que não monitoramos os grupos, então não podemos garantir que as regras do grupo serão cumpridas. Sempre tome cuidado antes de entrar em um grupo.