Kingdoms of Pyrrhia - Grupos de

Kingdoms of Pyrrhia

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Descrição do Grupo de :

Kingdoms of Pyrrhia(Unofficial Name) is a roleplaying writing project based in an AU of the Wings of Fire timeline. The website will be a play-by-post, literate and long-form roleplaying game with a goal of taking a more mature approach to the world of WoF. While this server's main focus is to facilitate a more cohesive and welcoming atmosphere upon the website's soft-launch, we welcome all lovers and fans of the Wings of Fire series to come in for a spell and say hello!

Regras do Grupo para :

Kingdoms of Pyrrhia(Unofficial Name) is a roleplaying writing project based in an AU of the Wings of Fire timeline. The website will be a play-by-post, literate and long-form roleplaying game with a goal of taking a more mature approach to the world of WoF. While this server's main focus is to facilitate a more cohesive and welcoming atmosphere upon the website's soft-launch, we welcome all lovers and fans of the Wings of Fire series to come in for a spell and say hello!

Entrar Kingdoms of Pyrrhia -

Você pode participar do grupo Kingdoms of Pyrrhia clicando no botão abaixo. Antes de entrar no grupo, lembre-se que não monitoramos os grupos, então não podemos garantir que as regras do grupo serão cumpridas. Sempre tome cuidado antes de entrar em um grupo.