アニメ🌸 Empire - Grupos de

アニメ🌸 Empire

O grupo アニメ🌸 Empire está na categoria . Você pode encontrar grupos semelhantes na mesma categoria. Ainda sobre o grupo, o link já recebeu mais de 746 membros desde que foi publicado em nosso aplicativo. Aqui nessa página você vai poder entrar no seu grupo e se divertir. Ou até mesmo fazer novos amigos virtuais e reais! No nosso site você pode encontrar mais de 100 grupos na categoria .

Descrição do Grupo de :

🌸 Some history 🌸 In late 2018, a young man addicted to Warframe wanted anime recommendations. He made a clan, aptly named "Anime Kingdom", and quickly it grew to the point where it warranted its own discord server.With an unparalleled desire for growth and an army of weebs at his back, his clan eventually grew to support an entire Warframe Alliance's worth of players (~4,000 clan members), including several branches of volunteer staff departments, a constantly evolving hierarchy, and a community large enough to expand beyond Warframe.Many people have come and gone, but along the way some have persisted and even fewer still have spared the time and energy to help the community.🌸 Here are some personal words from Eclipse (our clan leader) 🌸 At the end of the day, we're all people with our own separate lives. I can't guarantee that this information here will get you to stick around. But for as long as you do, might as well make the most of it. ​ This community is built on the backs of those who wish to see it succeed. There are hundreds of Warframe clans, and thousands of weeb communities, but I guarantee what we have here is at least a little special in its own right.🌸 Our hierarchy, in ascending order 🌸 Clan Members and Guests: Anyone from our clans or verified guests who are just hanging out.Volunteer Staff: Those who are seeking a little extra and want to see the community thrive, and be a part of something bigger. Whether it be Warframe, another game, or discord focused, everyone contributes a portion of their time. ​ Managerial Staff: Composed of Head Managers, their co-managers, or similarly named per department, these people bring forth and implement ideas that affect their departments as a whole. They shoulder the livelihood of their subcommunities, so please don't give them a hard time. ​ Warlords: Community veterans who show consistent and prolonged dedication to the clan. Broad, overarching changes to this server, as well as future growth often starts in the back of a Warlord's head, which are then discussed (hopefully) to others before implementing.

Regras do Grupo para :

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Você pode participar do grupo アニメ🌸 Empire clicando no botão abaixo. Antes de entrar no grupo, lembre-se que não monitoramos os grupos, então não podemos garantir que as regras do grupo serão cumpridas. Sempre tome cuidado antes de entrar em um grupo.