KpopFap Haven - Grupos de

KpopFap Haven

Gostou deste grupo? Você pode acessar a categoria para encontrar outros grupos parecidos. O nosso grupo já recebeu mais de 353 membros desde que foi publicado em nosso aplicativo. Aqui você não precisa esperar ninguém te adicionar! Entre no link de convite e seja bem vindo! Seja bem vindo ao grupo! E não esqueça de ler as regras para não ser removido.

Descrição do Grupo de :

A clean, organized, and welcoming server for for all enthusiasts of admiring the art of Kpop through more... intimate methods. 💕 In this server you can find: - All roles for genders/sexualities - Clean, intuitive design and layout that's easy to understand - Other Kpopfap enthusiasts to connect with - Regular "Tri-cam" livestreams - Filters so that you can pick and choose the groups/idols you WANT to see! No clutter! - Top notch security (without using terrible automods that delete your messages) - Carefully picked mods who won't abuse their power - Among many other quality of life systems that basically every other nsfw Kpop server can't seem to add or understand Join now! Engage with us and help this place grow! 😘 (This server is still very much under construction. If you're interested in joining, please do not hesitate to bring up issues or suggestions with mods to improve the server! 🙏💕)

Regras do Grupo para :

A clean, organized, and welcoming server for for all enthusiasts of admiring the art of Kpop through more... intimate methods. ? In this server you can find: - All roles for genders/sexualities - Clean, intuitive design and layout that's easy to understand - Other Kpopfap enthusiasts to connect with - Regular "Tri-cam" livestreams - Filters so that you can pick and choose the groups/idols you WANT to see! No clutter! - Top notch security (without using terrible automods that delete your messages) - Carefully picked mods who won't abuse their power - Among many other quality of life systems that basically every other nsfw Kpop server can't seem to add or understand Join now! Engage with us and help this place grow! ? (This server is still very much under construction. If you're interested in joining, please do not hesitate to bring up issues or suggestions with mods to improve the server! ??)

Entrar KpopFap Haven -

Você pode participar do grupo KpopFap Haven clicando no botão abaixo. Antes de entrar no grupo, lembre-se que não monitoramos os grupos, então não podemos garantir que as regras do grupo serão cumpridas. Sempre tome cuidado antes de entrar em um grupo.